May 11 and 12
Some long days of driving.
Corrugated tin is a common building material. It is not a
good look, but it is the Australian look. Most everyone has some somewhere on
their property, whether it be a corrugated tin fence, roof, shed, water tank,
or siding on their house. What is lacked in Australian man made aesthetics is
certainly made up for in the natural beauty. We have seen such diverse
landscape and wildlife.
The Murray River
The drive through the outback is scenic, but often no where
to stop. The scenery can become to look very monotonous. These days were spent
driving towards the Murray River. As we approached Renmark, the citrus trees
were loaded with fruit and the kangaroo population had dwindled greatly.
Some long trucks on the highways.Renmark
The Murray River
We departed Renmark later than anticipated so our drive was
short to Mildura. A great caravan park with a heated pool. The boys found
friends in some dogs. Even though they were chihuahua, makes the Willisitis set in.