Saturday, 3 June 2017

Are we still in Australia?

June 1, 2, 3

Landing in Darwin feels like we have left Australia and entered another country. The tropical heat, the diversity in people and food along with a very laid back lifestyle make it different from what we have seen of Australia so far.

Getting into the hotel around 4:30 we got settled and headed out to the Mindil Beach Markets. These markets happen every Thursday and Sunday night. The diversity in food stalls  is tantalizing. Nate choose the squid, the rest of us went for Chinese. Ate our supper with hundreds of others on the beach watching the sunset. Plenty of buskers and musicians throughout the evening.

(Mr. Myers is in Australia)

Here in the Top End, how the Northern Territory is referred to, the salties or crocodiles rule. The beautiful beaches are off limits as they are too dangerous. You might end up as a crocs supper.
We went on a cruise of the Adelaide River, home to more than 5000 salt water crocs. The skipper of the boat tempts them with meat to make them jump. I was worried about being in such an open boat, but turns out, nothing to worry about as long as you keep all your body parts in the boat.

The length from the nose of the croc to the back legs is half of its total length. The other half is all tail.

They lurk in the muddy waters of the Adelaide River. For every croc that was visible there were 5 more nearby that we could not see.

Agro, the dominant male of this part of the river. Rightfully so, he is 100 years old and 6.1 meters long.

They are the ultimate predator. So cunning and intelligent. No wonder they have survived since prehistoric times.

This is the back, but the underbelly skin sells for $80.00/square cm in Europe. It is the best and most expensive leather. Many croc products for sale in the markets.

We took the Stuart highway part way to the croc tour. The road trains are formidable.

Saturday we snacked on calamari at the Italian Festival. The afternoon spent at the pool. Nate is convinced he is going to melt in Asia. Here it is low 30's without humidity. He may be right! I can't believe Carman was hotter than Darwin today.