Thursday 20 April 2017


Monday March 27

We packed up the tents, ate peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast and headed out of Kruger. We took a few new trails and luckily came upon a lioness laying on a rock by the road.

She is beautiful.

A high hill to get out (at your own risk!) and look over Kruger.

We exited Kruger and were asked by a ranger who looked just like Will Smith, if we had firearms in the vehicle. Without having any, it was a quick departure and onto Hazyview. Many banana plantations  on the way.

We had received the name of Numbi hotel from some people we had met a few weeks ago in Oudtshorne. Hazyview turned out to be a lot larger of a city than I anticipated. We were not sure where the hotel was and decided to turn towards the sign we saw for information. As we turned, wouldn't you know it, there was the Numbi hotel. We camped in the grounds out back and Nancy decided to get a room in the hotel.

It was wonderfully hot, and we were told to pick some of the lemons growing on the tree behind our tent. Luke put them on the chicken he braaied that night - delicious! The insects were abundant. Nate found two large spiders in our tent and insisted we do a thorough investigation before he slept in it. He also said his "feet were back". This meant when he took off his sandals or shoes, we would almost pass out. His socks were not worth saving.

Evidently we have been camping a long time and the boys have not seen TV for awhile. They enjoyed Nancy's TV more than she did.

Today I finally got a sim card and now we have airtime and data! I do not know why I did not do this earlier. The experience of going into the Hazyview mall to Vodacom (right behind where we were camping) was memorable. First, while we were setting up the tent we heard gun shots at the mall. Then, when we went to the parking lot we found areas of it being evacuated by police. Most parts were still going on as usual and we never did find out what happened that day.

The mall itself was huge. Upon entering we were inundated with blaring music and hoards of people. Going through the inefficient process of getting a sim card is my reminder why I did not do it earlier. Vodacom had the blaring music and people sitting up front who were not the least bit interested in customer service. I did, however, successfully get my phone set up. Patience.....