Friday 21 April 2017

Blyde River Canyon

March 28, 2017

Hazyview lies at the starting point of some very scenic spots in South Africa which belong to the Blyde River Canyon. Tuesday, we ate our yogurt for breakfast and headed out. We packed up the tents not sure if we would stay somewhere else that night.

On the city limits of Hazyview, this was one of the road signs.

We drove through more banana plantations and arrived at Graskop. Levi saw this sign along the road and thought he would be up for the challenge.

The Big Swing is being strapped into a harness (which Levi later told us was held together by duct tape) and then walking into off a plank to ride a zipline across a 115 meter gorge; part of the Blyde River Canyon. He started walking the plank and all of a sudden changed his mind. It was hard for him to walk back up the plank with all those heavy ropes. He got back to the starting line and the man convinced him he should go. After about 5 minutes of convincing, Levi went off the edge. I could barley look over the edge.

No going back this time.

It's hard to watch your kid walk off a cliff.

That evening we did decide to go back to Hazyview and stay another night. Michele who runs the Numbi hotel and campground told us she would never have recommended that place to anyone. Their safety record is not good and she knows of one couple who died due to faulty equipment.

From Levi's Big Swing, we went into the town of Graskop. The garbage dump was on the outer edge of town and very large pigs were busy rooting through.

Michele recommended Harrie's Pancakes for lunch. Excellent recommendation. Apparently they are world famous pancakes. After eating there we had to agree to that status. Everyone tried something sweet. Luke's was the winner with lemon meringue filling.
We rarely eat out, so it is worth taking a picture of.

From Graskop on to some of the scenery.

God's Window is a look out over the Blyde River Canyon which became know to the western world when the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy was made. It is best viewed on with a low cloud base so that it seems that you are above the clouds. Twenty years ago we had the ideal conditions. This day, it was sunny and hot. Still a good view. Since the boys had watched this movie with the Ens they thought throwing the coke bottle over the edge was necessary.

From God's Window we drove further along the canyon to the Three Rondovals and back. Beautiful day, beautiful scenery.

Back to Hazyview for the night.