Sunday 26 February 2017

Table Mountain

The boys climbed Lion's Head on Tuesday (669 meters) and we have been waiting to do Table Mountain (1085 meters) until Nancy arrived. Today was the day. The Table Mountain website reported the cable cars were not running due to gale winds. Jack decided we should go anyway since the weather looked good from the apartment. At the mountain the cars were indeed closed, but we thought we would start the climb regardless. Halfway up Nancy wasn't feeling well so we turned back while Jack and the boys kept going. As we reached the bottom, the cable cars had started to run. Rather than wait for the boys to come down we decided to ride up to the top.  The cable car was amazing. Sixty five people fit in. We got to the top and were stunned at the views. The top of the mountain itself looked a lot like Iceland. We, of course, could not find the boys so after awhile we went back down. We took the shuttle bus to the parking lot and thought we would put a note on the windshield telling Jack we would stay near the cable car entry. The van was gone, so obviously Jack tired of waiting for us. Nancy and I thought surely he would come back. We waited a bit and then decided he was not coming. I told the taxi driver our predicament of how my husband and children had left and now we were separated. He told me to phone him. I said he didn't have a phone and we did not have a meeting point. He said, "Madam, that is not a good plan." Nancy and I have laughed over that line as I am sure we will hear it many more times. We took the taxi to the apartment and in the end we all ended up at the there within three minutes of each other. Luke has amazing video of their climb up Table Mountain.
Sadly, there was another death on Table Mountain today. That is two in the week we have been here. The boys saw a rescue helicopter on the mountain and later the body being loaded into a truck. 

At the base of Table Mountain

On the way up.

Views from the top.

Robben Island in the background.

It is flat as a table on top!

Lion's Head