Tuesday 7 February 2017

Outdoor Pools in Iceland in February?

Greater Reykjavik has three outdoor swimming pools that remain open throughout the year. We went to one during the Festival of Lights (Feb. 4). The Laugardalslaug swimming pool that we went to at night had 2 outdoor pools, 8 hot tubs and 1 cold tub. Great for star gazing while enjoying these thermal pools. Maybe not so great for the lifeguards who were wearing parkas!

At the end of our Golden Circle Drive on Sunday (Feb. 5) we stopped in Fludir, a small village home to the Secret Lagoon. This hot spring was hot! Due to the cool temperatures at night, one could barley see across the pool. It is not hard to spot a hot spring bath in Iceland. Look for steam rising. A great way to end the day, but too hot to stay in too long.

When we left, we drove through a fantastic Manitoba style blizzard. I did not think it was fantastic at the time. As we drove back to Reykjavik we could hardly see with toonie size snowflakes pelting down. Our "Duster" SUV had every emergency light coming on and the dim lights were failing.