Saturday, 1 July 2017

Happy Canada Day

July 1
Vientiane, Laos

Breakfast in the courtyard, in humid heat with geckos crawling along the wall, covered by the shade of a heavily laden mango tree. Not my typical Canada Day. Jack wore a red t-shirt and with that we considered ourselves festive.

(the pancakes tasted like Aunt Jemima)

Missing the "first day of summer holidays" and the Manitoba summer, we face timed home to Larissa, Dale and Leigh. Soon enough we will be home but now it feels like we are missing out.

I was frustrated with my boys this morning and grouchy since I felt they were not taking an active enough learning role in this world tour adventure. I felt tired from being the leader and having to be responsible to plan everything. I wanted the next time I traveled to be with more actively involved planners, rather than followers.

My first world problems were soon quashed. We visited the COPE center this morning (cooperative orthotic and prosthetic enterprise). Laos is considered the most bombed country in the world. Many bombs were dropped on Laos during the Vietnam war. Some did not go off as planned and continue to be a hazard today.

These bombies are still found today. Education is trying to reach the children who want to collect these for the money they can get from scrap metal. They know they are dangerous but are tempted by the potential income.

Instead of being sad though, it is quite sobering to think how safe a life my family and I live. This center was uplifting to hear the success stories and ongoing work that is happening to support not only people affected by bombs, but those affected by leprosy, accidents and polio.

The walk back was hot, but the streets are interesting. Mini temples burn incense in homes, shops and restaurants.

An interesting alley.

Many temples and offerings for sale along the street.

I can't help but think my Mom would be happy to see women successfully preparing multiple tasty dishes in a very small, cluttered area. They do it in Laos too Mom!

This was Jack's tasty meal. Banh Xan
An egg like pancake holding tofu, vegetables and coated in a peanut sauce.

I still have not found love of Vientiane like Max did, but I will say like.